The Indo Korean Center Pune will offer special course option to applicants as bellows:
Summary: This optional ONLINE TOPIK 2 preparation course is OPEN for those applicants who have applied to the upcoming TOPIK exam in 2025 or aim for the same. For TOPIK 2 preparation course the applicant MUST have previous knowledge of Korean language, as this course is not meant to learn Beginner Korean language but is for those who wish to score better in their upcoming TOPIK 2 exam.
This course will include :
a.Applicants Writing correction by Native Korean teacher. AND
b.Multiple mock questions solving sessions
*NOW CLOSED. Next TOPIK preparation course is proposed to open in JUNE 2025.
Following is for reference to CLOSED application to special preparatory course for TOPIK2 applicants.
Survey form registration Duration : START 7th March and END 10th March 2025 4:00 pm,
* this form will close on 10th March 2025 4:00 pm, *subject to availability of seats.
Courses, Timings and Duration:
Timings & Duration: STARTS 12th March 2025 to ENDS 2nd May 2025 , Total 15hrs, Wed & Friday, 16:30-17:30 on ZOOM (*14thMarch will remain Holiday)
1. Eligibility: Open to anyone who wish to practice and improve their score in upcoming TOPIK2 exams.
*For TOPIK 2 preparation course the applicant MUST have previous knowledge of Korean language, as this course is not meant to learn Beginner Korean language but is for practice to score better in their upcoming TOPIK 2 exam.
2.Student selection criteria: On first come first get. The decision of IKC Pune official will be final.
3.Fees: Rs4500/-including taxes, and to be paid immediately after receiving acceptance mail which will contain all payment details.
*Fee must be paid only at the designated account mentioned in this special course acceptance mail and not in any other Indo Korean Center account you have used in the past. DO NOT, under any circumstance, transfer this special preparation course fee in official TOPIK EXAM fee account of this Center, as it is a non refundable/ non transferable banking account.
*No refund policy once admission is closed for the term. Fees shall not be refunded , transferred or adjusted in future courses under any circumstances after the admission closed date for the applied term and person (unless class is cancelled due to lack of minimum number of students or operational limitations of of this Institute because of unforeseen circumstances). Consider the same before filling the above registration form.
4. This is a NON-Certificate based preparation course only.
5.After submission of this form, successful applicants will receive a mail of acceptance along with details of admission and fee from or , if you have fulfilled all the guidelines, followed by televerification from +91-9890643590, within 24/48 hours of submission of this application. And an acknowledgment mail after receipt of fees. A welcome mail with ZOOM LOGIN credentials for joining the class shall be sent to those candidates who have paid their fee before due date mentioned in acceptance mail one day prior to start of course.
6. Separate class group in WhatsApp shall be available for communication.
7.Attendance compulsory.
Terms and Conditions:
*Minimum 20 Nos. of students is required to start a online class. *This course is survey dependent.
*Platform: for Online ZOOM live. This is a conventional learning center and hence no recorded sessions will be provided if student is absent. Students need to have a stable broadband/4G LTE internet connection. If students fail to attend classes due to problems of personal Internet connection, then the loss will be borne by the student. In all ONLINE courses , it is mandatory to keep the VIDEO ON for security concerns. If in class audit it is found that applicant identity is changed or zoom link shared to other non registered person to this course, then your registration will be immediately cancelled and no refund shall be made.
*No refund policy once admission is closed for the term. Fees shall not be refunded , transferred or adjusted in future courses under any circumstances after the admission closed date for the applied term and person (unless class is cancelled due to lack of minimum number of students or operational limitations of of this Institute because of unforeseen circumstances). Consider the same before filling the above registration form.
*For technical issues and admission queries contact IKC Info services at +91-9890643590 on ‘whats app’ and NOT send email. Admission related queries during this period calls can be made between 2:00pm-4:00pm in the same number. If you are unable to submit form then try alternative gmail ID, if your drive is full then you might face issue to submit this form. Keep your document file in PDF format to less than 500KB for submission along with this form.
*The final decision of selection of applicants for any course and the right of admission in IKC Pune premises is reserved by Indo-Korean Center. No further communication shall be made related to the same. Offline students must carry their ID card.
* IKC Pune reserves the rights to change schedule, terms & conditions based on operational reasons.
*Registering for IKC Pune classes is considered to be agreeing to all above Rules and Regulations, personal information collection including ID card, name, e-mail address, telephone number, gender and date of birth etc and willing to accept phone calls from IKC personnel’s. Applicant registered number shall be added in various broadcast lists of IKC Pune like Alumni and cultural events. Applicant should not‘record’ (through any means), any online or offline class lectures or interviews. If found of such incident in future will be barred to join any IKC Pune programs.
*Photographs and videos of students acquired during course, project and events hosted by IKC Pune will be owned by IKC, Pune. The right of use of such material will be reserved by Indo-Korean Center, Pune